Friday, August 14, 2020

AST 633 Useful Reading List — 2022 Fall Semester (M. Liu / E. Baxter)

Updated: 29  September  2022
Blue = Open Access eBooks
Orange = Class Reserve shelf in the IfA Manoa Library

General Reference

1. Measuring the Universe : A Multi-wavelength Perspective
Rieke, GH ; Cambridge U. Press
QB 476.5 .R54 2012  —  [CLASS RESERVE]
Possible class textbook.

2.    Astronomy Methods : A physical approach to astronomical observations
Bradt, Hale ; Cambridge U. Press
QB 45.2 .B73 2004  —  [CLASS RESERVE]
Another possible class textbook.

3.    Electronic Imaging in Astronomy : Detectors and Instrumentation
McLean, IN ; Springer - Praxis, 2nd ed.
QB 51.3 .I45 .M36 2008  —  [CLASS RESERVE]
Covers much of what we discuss in this course (despite the limited title).

4.    Astrophysical Techniques
Kitchin, CR ; Taylor & Francis
Ref QB 461 .K57 2009  —  [CLASS RESERVE]
Broad coverage of instrumentation and measurement techniques.

General Compilations of Data 

1. Allen’s Astrophysical Quantities
Cox, AN, ed ; AIP Press - Springer, 4th ed.
Ref QB 461 .A7685 2000  —  [CLASS RESERVE]  
Contains lots of useful information.

2. Handbook of Space Astronomy and Astrophysics
Zombeck, MV ; Cambridge U. Press
QB 136 .Z65 2007  —  [CLASS RESERVE]
Click Here for free access(1990, 2nd ed.)
Similar to Allen's, emphasizes space research.

Positional Astronomy

1. Spherical Astronomy
Green, RM ; Cambridge U. Press
QB 145 .G76 1985  —  [CLASS RESERVE]
Update of classic work by Smart.

2. Fundamentals of Astronomy
Barbieri, C ; Taylor & Francis
QB 43.3 .B37 2007  —  [CLASS RESERVE]

3. Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac
Urban & Seidelmann, eds. ; University of Science Books
Ref QB 8 .G7 G68 2013  —  [CLASS RESERVE]
The rabbit hole goes very deep.

4. Astronomical Algorithms
Meeus, J ; Willmann-Bell Inc.
Ref QB 51.3 .E43 M42 1991  —  [CLASS RESERVE]
Practical guide to coding celestial calculations.

Atmosphere & Adaptive Optics

1. Adaptive Optics for Astronomical Telescopes
Hardy, JW ; Oxford U. Press
QB 88 .H33 1998  —  [missing]
Click Here  for PDF. (ZBooks)
Most comprehensive textbook on AO,
albeit somewhat out of date on the technical side.

2. Seeing Clearly : The impact of atmospheric turbulence 
on the propagation of extra-terrestrial radiation
Businger & Cherubini, eds ; Publishing
QC 880 .B21 2011  —  [CLASS RESERVE]
Compilation of topics on forming, measuring, predicting & correcting
turbulence, from an astronomical perspective. 

3. Out of the Blue : a 24-hour sky watcher's guide
Naylor, JC. ; Cambridge U. Press
QC 975.2  .N39 2002  —  [OUT BORROWED]
Click Here for PDF. (UHM Hamilton Library)
Fun conceptual book explaining a wide variety of visual phenomena 
in the sky.

Statistics and Data Analysis

1. All of Statistics : A concise course in statistical inference 
Wasserman, Larry ; Springer, 2004
Click Here for PDF.

2. Statistics, data mining, and machine learning in astronomy: 
a practical Python guide for the analysis of survey data
Ivezic, etal ; Princeton U. Press
QB 279.5 .G45 S8 2014  —  [CLASS RESERVE]
Comprehensive book on research with large astronomical datasets,
written by key people in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Includes
practical examples written in python.

3. Bayesian data analysis
Gelman, Andrew ; CRC Press, 3rd ed.
 QA 279.5 .G45 S8 2014  —  [CLASS RESERVE] 
Click Here for PDF.

4. Hands-on Machine Learning with 
Scikit-Learn and Tensor Flow
Geron, A ; O'Reilly
1st ed. Click Here for PDF.
2nd ed. (unedited)  Click Here for PDF.

5.    The Elements of Statistical Learning : Data Mining,
Interference and Prediction
Hastie, etal ; Springer, 2nd ed. (2009)
Click Here for PDF.
Covers the essentials of statistical analysis and machine learning.

6.    An Introduction to Error Analysis : The Study of
Uncertainties in Physical Measurements
Taylor, JR ; University Science Books, 2nd ed.
Ref QC 39 .T4 1997  —  [CLASS RESERVE]
Undergraduate-level basics.

7. Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences
Bevington, PR & Robinson, DK ; McGraw Hill, 3rd ed.
Ref QA 878 .B48  2003  —  [CLASS RESERVE]
Graduate-level basics.

8. Data Analysis: A Bayesian Tutorial
Sivia, DS & Skilling, J ; Oxford Science Pubs., 2nd ed.
QA 279.5 S55 2006  —  [CLASS RESERVE]
Click Here for PDF . (UHM Hamilton Library)
Good introduction to Bayesian methods.

9. Practical Statistics for Astronomers
Wall, JV & Jenkins, CR ; Cambridge U. Press
Ref QB 149 .W35 2012  —  [CLASS RESERVE]
Click Here for PDF. (UHM Hamilton Library)

10. Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing
Flanner, etal ; Cambridge U. Press, 3rd ed.
REF QA 297 .N866 2007  —  [CLASS RESERVE]

Telescopes, Instrumentation, and Optics

1. Astronomical Optics
Schroeder, DJ ; Academic Press, 2nd ed.
QB 86 .S35 2000  —  [CLASS RESERVE]

2. Spectroscopic instrumentation : Fundamentals and 
Guidelines for Astronomers
Eversberg, T & Vollmann, K ; Springer - Praxis
QC 451 .E94 2015  —  [CLASS RESERVE]

3. Detection of Light: From the Ultraviolet to 
the Submillimeter
Rieke, GH ; Cambridge U. Press, 2nd ed.
QC 787 .P46 .R54 2003  — [CLASS RESERVE]
Click Here for eBook. (2003 edition) (UHM Hamilton Library)

4.    Interferometry and synthesis in radio astronomy 
Thompson, AR, etal ; Springer
QB 479.3 .T47 2017  —  [CLASS RESERVE]   
Click Here for PDF. (Springer)
Click Here for free Kindle version. (Amazon)

5.    Astronomy from Space : The design and
Operation of Orbiting Observatories
Davies, JK ; Wiley - Praxis
QB 136 .D38 1997  —  [CLASS RESERVE]

6. Building Scientific Apparatus
Moore; etal ; Cambridge U. Press, 4th ed.
Q 185 .M66 2009  —  [CLASS RESERVE]
Practical guide to scientific instrumentation and many related aspects.

7.    Basic Optics for the Astronomical Sciences
Breckinridge, JB ; SPIE Press
QB 86 .B68 2012  —  [CLASS RESERVE]

8.    Field Guide to Geometrical Optics
Greivenkamp, JE ; SPIE Field Guide Series
QC 381 .G73 2004  —  [CLASS RESERVE]

Please contact the IfA Librarian at 
library at ifa dot hawaii dot edu
 if you have questions, suggestions, or find non-working links