Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Try this: Easer access to full text of journal articles.

IfA researchers returning from other venues have remarked that getting from the ADS citation to the full text of an article is easier elsewhere.  At the Astrocoffee session I gave last month, complaints about this situation were voiced.  Well, perhaps relief is at hand.

UHM Hamilton Library has developed a page of instructions to facilitate access to the full text  from various combinations of operating systems and web browsers. See:
Accessing Resources from Outside the Library

I've reset the Firefox preferences on my Mac.  When I launch an ADS search, I'm immediately prompted to sign on with my name & password (not, @gmail, etc.).  In the ADS search results, I can click on the E or F links to reach the full text.  I don't have to follow the L link through the UHM Library web site to get the item!  I haven't tested it enough to find gaps. 

Try these options! 
Let me know if you experience access improvement, or find gaps and glitches.