Saturday, July 30, 2005

Received in Hilo


Some back issues of the following journals:
Astronomy & Astrophysics Review
Astrophysical Journal Supplement
New Scientist
Sky & Telescope
See the list pinned to the corkboard near the library office to find out which issues we have.

Books -- These are on the New Books shelf near the new journals.

Aberrations of Optical Systems
Welford, W T
QC 372.2 .D4 W43 1989

Origins from the Big-Bang to Civilisation
Chela-Flores, Julian, et al.
QH 325 .I24 1999

Astronomy & Astrophysics
in the New Millennium: An Overview
National Research Council
QB 61 .N375 O98 2001

Glossary of Astronomy & Astrophysics
Hopkins, Jeanne
QB 14 .H69 1976

Introduction to Astrobiology
Gilmour, Iain and Mark A. Sephton
QH 325 .I57 2004

Mathematics for Physicists
Dennery, Philippe and Krzywicki, Andre
QC 20 .D 39 1967

Meaning of Relativity, 5th edition
Einstein, Albert
QC 6 .E43 1956

Modern Cosmology and the Dark Matter Problem
Sciama, D. W.
QB 791.3 .S353 1993

Perspectives in Astrophysical Cosmology
Rees, Martin
QB 981 .R37 1995

Planetary System
Morrison, David and Tobias Owen
QB 601 .M76 1988

Roget's International Thesaurus
REF PE 1591 .R73 2001

Satellites and Tidal Streams
ASP Conference Series 327
Prada, Francisco, et al.
QB 791.3 .S37 2003

Smithsonian Contributions to Physics:
Microscopic Properties of Meteorites
Tschermak, Gustav
QB 4 .S647 C6 v4 n6 1964

Star Formation at High Angular Resolution
IAU Symposium 221
Burton, Michael, et al.
QB 1 .I58 v. 221

Stars as Suns: Activity, Evolution and Planets
IAU Symposium 219
with CD-ROM
Dupree, A. K. and A. O. Benz
QB 1 .I58 v. 219

Statistical Challenges in Astronomy
Feigelson, Eric D. and G. Jogesh Babu
QB 149 .S75 2003

Unsolved Problems in Astrophysics
Bahcall, John N. and Jeremiah P. Ostriker
QB 461 .U58 1997