New Books in Manoa!
Most of these are currently on the New Book shelf in Manoa. The last two items are shelved in Manoa on the regular shelves:
EAS Publications Series
v.1: Active galactic nuclei in their cosmic environment (JENAM 1999) [QB 858.3 .J462 1999
v.3: Star formation and the physics of young stars [QB 806 .S6722 2000]
v.4: Infrared and submillimeter space astronomy [QB 470 .A1 I45 2002]
v.5: Radiative transfer and hydrodynamics in astrophysics [QB 466 .G38 R32 2002]
v.6 Observing with the VLT interferometer [QB 90 .E87 2002]
v.7: Final stages of stellar evolution [QB 806 .F56 2001]
v.8: Astronomy with high contrast imaging : from planetary systems to active galactic nuclei [QB 51.3 .I45 A87 2002]
v.9: Magnetism and activity of the sun and stars : an international conference to honor the work of Jean-Louis Leroy [QB 539 .23 M33 2003]
v.10: Galactic & stellar dynamics (JENAM 2002) [QB 856 .J45 2003]
v.12: Astronomy with high contrast imaging II : instrumentation for coronagraphy and nulling interferometry [QB 51.3 .I45 A87 2003]
v.13: Evolution of massive stars, mass loss and winds [QB 843 .S9 E96 2002]
Other books:
Astrobiology : a multidisciplinary approach. [QB 325 .L86 2005]
Exploration of the solar system by infrared remote sensing. [QB 603 .I52 E88 2002]
Mars : a warmer, wetter planet. [QB 641 K23 2004]
Optics, by Eugene Hecht, 4th ed. [QB 355.3 .H43 2002]
Plasma physics for astrophysics. [QB 462.7 K85 2005]
Statistical Challenges in Astronomy (III) [QB 149 .S75 2003]
Stellar astrophysics with the world's largest telescopes: First International Workshop on Stellar Astrophysics with the World's Largest Telescopes [QB 799 .I596 2004]
Unsolved universe: challenges for the future (JENAM 2002) [QB 1 .J53 2003]
Other books received that are currently shelved:
In search of the ultimate building blocks, by Gerard ‘t Hooft [QB 794.6 .S75 H66 1997]
Malicorne: earthly reflections of an astrophysicst [QB 981 .R4413 1993]
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