Monday, June 20, 2005

New Books in Manoa!

Most of these are currently on the New Book shelf in Manoa. The last two items are shelved in Manoa on the regular shelves:

EAS Publications Series

v.1: Active galactic nuclei in their cosmic environment (JENAM 1999) [QB 858.3 .J462 1999

v.3: Star formation and the physics of young stars [QB 806 .S6722 2000]

v.4: Infrared and submillimeter space astronomy [QB 470 .A1 I45 2002]

v.5: Radiative transfer and hydrodynamics in astrophysics [QB 466 .G38 R32 2002]

v.6 Observing with the VLT interferometer [QB 90 .E87 2002]

v.7: Final stages of stellar evolution [QB 806 .F56 2001]

v.8: Astronomy with high contrast imaging : from planetary systems to active galactic nuclei [QB 51.3 .I45 A87 2002]

v.9: Magnetism and activity of the sun and stars : an international conference to honor the work of Jean-Louis Leroy [QB 539 .23 M33 2003]

v.10: Galactic & stellar dynamics (JENAM 2002) [QB 856 .J45 2003]

v.12: Astronomy with high contrast imaging II : instrumentation for coronagraphy and nulling interferometry [QB 51.3 .I45 A87 2003]

v.13: Evolution of massive stars, mass loss and winds [QB 843 .S9 E96 2002]

Other books:

Astrobiology : a multidisciplinary approach. [QB 325 .L86 2005]

Exploration of the solar system by infrared remote sensing. [QB 603 .I52 E88 2002]

Mars : a warmer, wetter planet. [QB 641 K23 2004]

Optics, by Eugene Hecht, 4th ed. [QB 355.3 .H43 2002]

Plasma physics for astrophysics. [QB 462.7 K85 2005]

Statistical Challenges in Astronomy (III) [QB 149 .S75 2003]

Stellar astrophysics with the world's largest telescopes: First International Workshop on Stellar Astrophysics with the World's Largest Telescopes [QB 799 .I596 2004]

Unsolved universe: challenges for the future (JENAM 2002) [QB 1 .J53 2003]

Other books received that are currently shelved:

In search of the ultimate building blocks, by Gerard ‘t Hooft [QB 794.6 .S75 H66 1997]

Malicorne: earthly reflections of an astrophysicst [QB 981 .R4413 1993]