Thursday, June 02, 2005

New Items!

We have one new book on the New Book shelf...

Astronomy for entertainment by Y. Perelman. [QB 44 .P45 1958]

... and a bunch of CD-ROMs currently shelved on the tall CD Rack near the preprints:

ACT Reference Catalog [QB 6 .U86 A28 1997 CD-ROM]

Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer Science Archive, vol.2 no.1, parts A,B, and C [QB 474 .E98 1993 CD-ROM]

ROSAT X-Ray Images, vols.1, 2 and 5 [QB 472 .R67 1998]

UCAC1 First U.S. Naval Observatory CCD Astrograph Catalog [QB 6 .U23 2000 CD-ROM]

Waves, Oscillations and Small-Scale Transiet Events in the Solar Atmosphere: a joint view from SOHO and TRACE Proceedings of SOHO-13. [QB 528 .W3 2004]

2MASS Second Incremental Data Release DVD [QB 470 .T96 DVD]