Wednesday, May 18, 2005

New Books!

in Manoa -

ASP 321: Extrasolar Planets: Today and Tomorrow [QB 820 .I57 2003]

ASP 322: The Formation and Evolution of Massive Young Star Clusters [QB 853 .F67 2003]

ASP 324: Debris Disks and the Formation of Planets : A Symposium in memory of Fred Gillett [QB 600 .D428 2002]

ASP 327: Satellites and Tidal Streams [QB 791.3 .S37 2003]

IAU Symposium 202: Planetary Systems in the Universe – Observation, Formation and Evolution [REF IAU Symp. 202]

Astronomy with a home computer by Neale Monks [QB 51.3 .E43 M64 2005]

An Atlas of sunspot umbral spectra in the visible from 15,000 to 25,500 cmp-^1 (3920 to 6664 A), revised. By L. Wallace and W. Livingston [QB 528 .W344 2005 ATL/CAT]

Facts and mysteries in elementary particle physics by Martinus Veltman [QC 793.2 .V45 2003]

Highlights of Spanish astrophysics III (proceedings) edited by Jesus Gallego, et al. [QB 460 .S63 2002]

Learning Perl by Randal L. Schwartz (O’Reilly Publishing) [QA 76.73 .P22 S37 2001]

Toward an international virtual observatory edited by P.J.Quinn (proceedings) [QB51.3 .E43 E86 2002]

Quantum field theory in a nutshell by A. Zee [QC 174.45 .Z44 2003]