Thursday, February 17, 2005

Books in Hilo

These volumes have been properly catalogued and are either on the New Books shelf or shelved in the stacks.

American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac for 1966
QB 8 .U3 A5 1966

Calibrating HST
QB 500.268 .C34 1993

Calibrating HST: Post Servicing Mission
QB 500.268 .C34 1995

Experimental transition probabilities for spectral lines of seventy elements
GOV DOC NBS Monogr. 53

Future of Space Imaging
QB 500.268 .F87 1993

Integrated Strategy for the Planetary Sciences: 1995 – 2010
QB 602.9 .I58 1994

Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics Workshop: Proceedings. Vol 1 & 2
QB 51.3 .I45 L3 1992

Opportunities and Choices for Space Science, 1974
RC 1075 .NI2

Proc. of the Japan-France Seminar on Active Phenomena in the Outer Atmosphere of the Sun and Stars
QB 809 .J36 1983

Reports of Planetary Astronomy – 1995

Report on Space Science 1975
RC 1075 .NI3

Solar Instrumentation: What’s Next?
QB 520 .S6 1980

Spectrum of the solar photosphere from 13,500 to 28,000 cm-1 (3570 to 7405 angstroms)
QB 528 .W1 1998 ATL/CAT

Sunspot umbral spectra in the visible from 15,000 to 25,500 cm-1 (3920 to 6664 angstroms)
QB 528 .W3 2000 ATL/CAT

Sunspot umbral spectra in the region 4000 to 8640 cm-1 (1.16 to 2.50 [microns])
QB 528 .W4 2001 ATL/CAT

Sunspot umbral spectra in the regions 1925 to 2226 and 2392 to 3480 cm]-]1 (2.87 to 4.18 and 4.48 to 5.35 [mu] m)
QB 528 .W5 2002 ATL/CAT

Transfer of Radiation in Spectral Lines

Wolf-Rayat Stars (NBS Special Pub. no. 307)
QC 100 .U57 no. 307