Friday, January 14, 2005

Books in Hilo

These volumes have been properly catalogued and are either on the New Books shelf or shelved in the stacks.

Please note a call number change for Proceedings of the International Lunar Conference 2003: the new number is TL 787 .A6 A2 v. 108

Die Elemente der Naturgesetze
QB 732 .E44 1990

Einstein's Theory of Relativity versus Classical Mechanics
Marmet, Paul
QC 6 .M356 1997b

Evening Star: Venus Observed
Cooper, Henry S. F.
QB 621 .C72 1993

He ge kai to sympan / The Earth and the Universe: volume dedicated to Professor Lyssimachos Mavridis on the occasion of his completing forty-five years of academic activities
Mavridis, L. N. and Asteriades, G.
QB 981 .G42 1997

Imaging Saturn: the Voyager Flights to Saturn
Cooper, Henry S. F.
QB 671 .C66 1982

NOAO-ESO Conference on High-Resolution Imaging by Interferometry: Ground-based Interferometry at Visible and Infrared Wavelengths, 15-18 March 1988, Garching bei Munchen
Edited by Merkle, F. (National Optical Astronomy Observatories)
ESO conference and workshop proceedings; no. 29
QB 51.3 .E43 N6 1988

Observatory Operations to Optimize Scientific Return III: 22-23 August 2002, Waikoloa, Hawaii; SPIE v. 4844
QB 81 .O27 2002

Observing Visual Double Stars (Observation des etoiles doubles visuelles.)
Couteau, Paul
QB 821 .C7813

Relativity: the Special Theory
Synge, J. L.
QC 6 .S93