New Books in Manoa
The following new books have been received in Manoa:
Book of the Cosmos: Imagining the Universe from Heraclitus to Hawking
Danielson, Dennis Richard
Cosmochemistry: the Melting Pot of the Elements
Esteban, Cesar
Extreme Ultraviolet Astronomy
Barstow, Martin A. and Holberg, J. B.
Fundamentals of Astrometry
Kovalevsky, Jean. and Seidelmann, P. Kenneth
Gravitational Million-Body Problem
Heggie, D. C. and Hut, Piet
Gravitational N-body Simulations
Aarseth, Sverre J.
Guide to LATEX
Kopka, Helmut. and Daly, Patrick W.
Icy Worlds of the Solar System
Dasch, Pat
Introduction to Astrobiology
Gilmour, Iain. and Sephton, Mark A.
Jupiter: the Planet, Satellites and Magnetosphere
Bagenal, Fran, Dowling, Timothy E., and McKinnon, William B.
Meteorites: a petrologic, chemical and isotopic synthesis
Hutchison, Robert
Mitigation of Hazardous Impacts Due to Asteroids and Comets
Belton, M. J. S.
Open Issues in Local Star Formation
Lepine, Jacques Raymond Daniel. and Gregorio-Hetem, J. C.
Theoretical astrophysics Vol 3: Galaxies and Cosmology
Padmanabhan, T.
Visitor's Guide to the Kitt Peak Observatories
Sage, Leslie. and Aschenbrenner, Gail
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