APS Announces Free Email Alerting Service
The American Physical Society (APS) announced today that it will offer free table of contents (TOC) notification service for each Journal published by APS: Physical Review, Physical Review Letters, and Reviews of Modern Physics to subscribers and non-subscribers. The TOC notification service will provide users of the APS journals with email alerts of recently published issues.
Researchers can now sign up for free Email Alerts, with table of contents listing for each new journal issue. Alerts are sent immediately to the user's email after the complete issue is published online. Users may choose between ASCII and HTML formats for the alerts. Alerts in ASCII format contain the URL for the journal issue and a list of all articles in the issue. HTML alerts are fully hyperlinked to abstracts and full-text for each article. Journal subscribers will be able to seamlessly link to and access full-text content from the HTML TOCs and non-subscribers may purchase full-text articles using online ordering services.
Signing up is easy and secure - just go to the Email Alerts Center http://ojps.aip.org/jhtml/APS/alert.jsp or at the APS Journal Homepage: http://publish.aps.org/ or from the individual journal homepages, enter your name and email address, and select which format you want to receive your alerts (either HTML or ASCII format).
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