Tuesday, December 02, 2003

NRAO 2004 Summer Student Program

The National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) is now accepting
applications for its 2004 Summer Student program. The NRAO has
programs for undergraduate, graduating seniors, and graduate students
with backgrounds in the physical sciences, math, computing, or
engineering. It is partially supported by the National Science
Foundation's Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU) program, but
is supplemented by NRAO to include positions for students who
do not meet the REU guidelines, such as graduating seniors, some
foreign students, and projects of an engineering or computer
programming nature.

NRAO summer students conduct research under the supervision of an NRAO
staff member at one of three NRAO sites: Socorro, NM; Green Bank, WV;
and Charlottesville, VA. The project may involve any aspect of
astronomy, including original research, instrumentation, telescope
design, astronomical site evaluation, or astronomical software
development. Students collaborate on their own observational projects
using NRAO telescopes, and may qualify for partial financial support
to attend the January 2005 AAS meeting. Appointments are from 10-12
weeks in duration, with start dates of Monday May 24th, Tuesday June
1st, or Monday June 7th 2004. The stipends for the 2004 Summer
Student Program are $445 per week for undergraduates and $480 per week
for graduated seniors and graduate students. These stipends include
an allowance for housing.

More information on this program is available at:

Applications should be submitted on-line, and may be accessed from the above
website. Applications are due on January 26, 2004.