Astronomische Nachrichten (AN)
Via a UHM Hamilton Library license, we now have an electronic subscription to Astronomische Nachrichten covering v.320 no. 1 (1999: Mar) to the present.
Founded in 1821, Astronomische Nachrichten – Astronomical Notes (AN), bills itself as the oldest astronomical journal in the world. AN is peer reviewed and has short publication times of about 18 weeks, offering cutting edge research. The current issue contains the proceedings of the international conference The origin and evolution of cosmic magnetism, held in Bologna (Italy) from August 29 to September 2, 2005. Included are articles on SKA, CMB and galactic disks.
ADS provides access to the archival full text of v.1-319 (1823-10/1998).
IfA Library’s JOURNALS web page has quick links to AN and most astronomy journals. If you have trouble accessing titles via the Full Text links, contact IfA Library for assistance.
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