Monday, December 05, 2005

New Books in Manoa!

Astronomy hacks.
Thompson, Robert Bruce.
QB 64 .T46 2005

Dust in the galactic environment.
Whittet, D. C. B.
QB 791 .W45 2003

Dynamics of galaxies.
Dynamics of galaxies.
QB 857 .B47 2000

The initial mass function 50 years later.
Salpeter, Edwin E.
QB 814 .I55 2005

Probing galaxies through quasar absorption lines : proceedings of the 199th colloquium of the International Astronomical Union
QB 860 .P7 2005

The universal book of astronomy from the Andromeda Galaxy to the zone of avoidance.
Darling, David J.
QB 14 .D37 2004