Two Interesting Websites
The Matrix Market
The Matrix Market website, provided by the National Institute of Standards
and Technology, is "a visual repository of test data for use in comparative
studies of algorithms for numerical linear algebra." The repository includes about 500 sparse matrices from a variety of applications, along with matrix generation tools and services. Visitors can scan the top ten or browse the repository by collection, matrix name, or generator name. Search categories include: by matrix properties, by application area, by contributor, and in bibliography. Tools for browsing through the collection are also included. The Welcome page provides additional information on the project, as well as a few reports and technical presentations.
Engineers Edge: Strength and Mechanics of Materials
The mission of Engineers Edge is "to be the preferred online destination
for designers, engineers and manufacturing professionals" by offering training,
seminars, and online technical information and products. This section of
their website on Strength and Mechanics of Materials offers an overview of
topics in Materials Science, including sections on stress, strain, Hookes
Law, malleability, fatigue and vibration. The short explanations are
accompanied by related figures and equations. The section also provides a
link to their free Technical / Engineering Publications, which cover a
variety of topics including: Machine Design, Electronic Design, and
Processing Magazine.
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